Enable Wake on Lan in APTIO Setup

Using WOL (Wake On LAN) it is possible to wake up your computer using the Unified Remote app. However, this feature is typically not enabled by default.

I personally never used this feature but many of my friends use it every day from other places than the company , many people tend to use their power full pc from other place and make some analysis and usually check the results.

I had trouble with finding the place which i can enable the WOL feature in bios and isearched many forums but did not find any results. as i searched my bios one by one I found it . I feel that if i share it with others it will make other also to share their experiments in future.

To enable Wake On LAN feature you must first activate it in the bios . Each bios has a specific place to enable it.

1.Go to the Advanced tab

2. go to APM Configuration

3. Enable Power On PCI-E/PCI


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